Actor CV
Keishla Ramírez
Height: 1,52"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Trainings: BA Theatre Arts, USC / RYS 200 Hatha Yoga - Tao Center
Location: Madrid, Spain
Willing to travel

Kenopsia (DOC, 2018) @kenopsiaeldocumental - Madrid, España.
Paradise (2017) - Boom Operator - Lerfilm productions DIR Autumn Wang - Los Angeles, California.
Dark Hours: Typee (2016) - Boom Operator - Rabbit Bandini & Makers Studios - Los Angeles, California.
The Stand-by Generation (DOC) - Herself - DIR Juan C. Dávila - San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Bajo el Cielo (SHORT) - Girlfriend - DIR Julio Marín - San Juan, P.R.
Conversión (SHORT) - Lead (Esther) - DIR Juan C. Dávila - San Juan, Puerto Rico.
A Perfect Getaway (2009) - Girls at the beach - DIR David Twohy - Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
Pretty Door Musical - Bailarina - IES Puerta Bonita - Madrid, España (2017)
El Lado Oscuro de la Luna - Dinorah – Taller Colectivo Trompo inc. | San Juan, Puerto Rico (2014)
Le Petite Prince - The Fox - DIR Camille Vandenbunder – Alianza Francesa de PR
Edipo Rey / Oedipus Rex- Stage manager - DIR Wence Burgos – Casa Abierta (USC)
No sé - Mary Jane - DIR Rafael Pagán – Taller Teatro Ciel
The Masses are Asses - Director/Music - DIR Keishla Ramírez – Casa Abierta (USC)
TV & Internet Commercial
Make-up: Theatrical, Fantasy, Corrective, Henna.
Dance: Modern, Theatre Dance, Salsa, Merengue, Bachata.
Sports: Yoga, Soccer, Hiking, Skateboarding, Cycling, Rapelling, Snorkeling.
Workshop Teacher: Acting, Improvisation, Theater Games, Make-up, Art.
Stage: Stage manager, stage design, assistant director.
Film: Boom operator (sound crew), make up artist (special effects).
Yoga Teacher: Classes, workshops, meditation, etc.
Training & Workshops
Studio 4 - James Franco´s acting & film school - Meisner Technique (2016)
University of Sacred Heart (USC) - BA Theater (2013)
Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña - DIR Rafael Acevedo - Workshop for Actors
Polimnia - DIR Iván Olmo - Mime Techniques
Casa Abierta (USC) PROF Magali Carrasquillo - Diction & Voice Projection
ThinkinVideo - Actriz/Presentadora (2018)- Madrid, España.
Platos Rest. & Bar (TV) - Couple drinking on table - Infinito Productions PR
Guardian Angel PR (INTERNET) - Couple on sidewalk -
Invasión Zombie PR (INTERNET) - Zombie - SOBE adrenaline rush
Music Video
Siete Nueve Fuego - Infinito Productions - DIR Juan C. Dávila
Estereonosotros Pogo - DIR Pedro Muñiz - (Producciónes Cabeza & White Lion)
Candela Music So Natural - DIR René Pedrosa