Year of production: 2018
Thinkinvideo es el último proyecto del grupo empresarial Moncada que, junto a Hi VIP, forman tres empresas líderes en el sector audiovisual español.
Language: Spanish
Actor: Keishla Ramírez
Madrid, Spain
Spot del Dia Internacional de la No-violencia
Year of production: 2017
Video-promo of the International Day of Non-violence.
Language: Spanish
Camara - Edit - Director: Keishla Ramírez
Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, Spain
The Stand-by Generation
Year of production: 2015
Focused on the country of Puerto Rico, La generación del estanbai follows the lives of young people caught in the ‘precariat’ world of part-time and temporary under-employment devoid of security. A new generation of university graduates chooses to stay in Puerto Rico despite its ongoing financial crisis, but they are kept very busy struggling to survive by any means necessary as their aspirations are placed on standby.
Candela Music - So Natural (official video)
Year of production: 2014
This is the first music video for Candela Music, "So Natural" captures the lifestyle of the band and their "natural" state of mind. At first, it was just a simple melody on guitar and some vocals but soon became a story, our story. The video was recorded on the beautiful beaches of Piñones, Puerto Rico in April 2014. This video was directed and filmed by René Pedrosa, and was edited by Gabriel Coss. The entire team worked very hard and we are proud to have this incredible piece as our first official video.
Trailer - Compañeros de lucha
Year of production: 2012
Sneak peek of the puerto rican documentary, Compañeros de lucha. You can find it on Netflix, DVD or VOD accesing this site,
Guardian Angel - Personal Alarm
Year of production: 2011
This Could Happen To You scenario -- Guardian Angel Personal Alarm -- Puerto Rico -- --
Siete Nueve - Fuego
Year of production: 2011
Genre: music video
Country: Puerto Rico
Language: Spanish
Description: Fuego is a song from hip-hop artist, Sietenueve. In this work, the Puerto Rican rapper addresses the main contemporary sociopolitical issues in Puerto Rico and encourages young generations to speak up.
Oportunidad / Oportunity
Year of production: 2017
In collaboration with Asociación Humanista el Puente, we made a series of short movies related to the issues that we are trying to create awareness about, and what Active Non-violence means. It was meant to be short, precise and no dialogue, but with a big message that anyone can understand.
Language: Spanish
Director - Camara - Script: Keishla Ramírez
Puente de Vallecas, Madrid, Spain
Los Cuerpos Hablan / The bodies Speak
Year of production: 2015
Colectivo Sin Rumbo
With a great desire to intervene space and rhythm of the streets of Santurce, a group of four young actors and two visual artists, were launched on a walk eight hours focused on the admiration of more than forty murals. The result? The need to translate the energy of these works in body language by way of performance, breaking the barriers of our specialty areas by improvising movement in these public spaces. Uses video documentation of the action to form a hybrid art-piece that enhances the voice of Puerto Rican contemporary artistic expression .
Performers: Cesar Yael Vélez, Randoll Rocafort, Keishla Ramírez, Melba Liz Reyes, Manuela Tirado
Director: Daniel Ramírez - Coqui Jams Studio
Estereo Nosotros - Pogo (official video)
Year of production: 2013
©2013 White Lion Booking: 787-455-8095
The Masses are asses (Las Masas son Crasas) - Pedro Pietri
Year of production: 2011
`The masses are asses´ is a contemporary comedy, in which the author presents unsuspected nuances of the reality of the Puerto Rican diaspora. Among others, the piece presents various topics ranging from the real to the unreal , with social classes , violence and political ideologies .
This theatre play is under the direction of Keishla Ramirez y co-directed by Daniel Torres. In which participates Raquel Torre, Emil Soler, Félix Figueroa, César Yael Vélez, Alice Piar, Melba Liz Reyes y Daniel Cardona, under the production of Alexandra MartÃnez.
Trailer - Bajo el Cielo
Year of production: 2010
Description: A young man finds a video camera and has acces to the footage, which is about the personal life of a couple. While watching this videos he notices that is much more than what he expected and it forces him to make a decision.
Keishla M. Ramirez
Raquel Torre
Leonardo Maldonado
Carlos de León
A movie made by Julio MarÃn Estrada
The short Bajo el Cielo was exhibited in the Rincón International Film Festival.
Year of production: 2010
Genre: drama/science fiction
Country: Puerto Rico
Language: Spanish
Cast: Keishla RamÃrez, Rubén Sallis, Camila FrÃas
Director: Juan C. Dávila
Description: Set in an apocalyptic/alternate future of Puerto Rico, where all fresh water is contaminated. A group of rebels capture a corrupt politician and debate about killing him or sparing his life.